Sfarda L. Gül's Twitter-debate Tactics

Greetings! Today I wanted to discuss why I think Sfarda L. Gül's abuse of buzzwords and humiliating debate tactics are immature and signal there's something wrong with her.

In general, it's considered poor debating skills to thwart a rebuttal in a debate or argument by jabbing at your opponent's physical or emotional insecurities. Granted, there are a few public figures we could point at and laugh, but I would rather attack one's perception of reality than how poor their language skills are. 

My other problem with Sfarda is the extended use of buzz words with the intention to rally-whistle your dog friends and appear holier-than-thou. The Thesaurus is her best friend. 

I think mudslinging and insults are immature for certain settings––or anyone over the age of 20.

This, albeit a trivial story posted on Instagram, is more than a mere "blunt opinion". This is ableist, classist and tone-deaf:

Sfarda, author of Non Serviam and Non Omnis Moriar, apparently doesn't know that not everyone is a privileged well-off immigrant who could afford to settle in a developed country and had the chance to pursue an education paid by her parents. Not everyone has the same access to education and making such gross generalisation is classist. 
Let's not ignore Sfarda's blatant anti-whiteness, specifically a racism against white anglophones. This could be more accurately addressed as xenophobia given how Sfarda is white woman LARPing as SWANA.

That Instagram story is RICH coming from a girl whose single mother afforded to migrate to Australia from North-east Russia, works in the dental field, has married a white Australian man and both parents have paid for Sfarda's education in a dirty anglo university. The irony.

Until the next time,

The Unveiler


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