Sfarda L. Gül's Non Serviam FAIL, issue I

 Non Serviam FAIL, issue 1: 

Sfarda L Gül, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz
Sfarda L Gül, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz
Tfw no editor, no proof-reader, no beta readers, no native friends to ask for help, no wikipedia access, no wifi, no literacy.

She spells it as *Emilian-Romangol but the correct spelling is Emilian-Romagnol:

I don't really think there's much explaining to do here. If Sfarda L. Gül has the ego to self-publish a book without even double-checking her disclaimer... You know the novel will be a low quality mess.

For funsies, read this message Sfarda L. Gül sent to another author:

It was sourced from this document.

Until the next time,

The Unveiler


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