Introduction: Sfarda L. Gül the Russian Freydís Moon

Greetings! I'm The Unveiler! 

Allow me to be your guest during this journey in which we'll follow the Odyssey of Sfarda L. Gül. Gather together, my friends, and let's expose a race faking mythomaniac who goes by these names on social media and book communities: Solastalgic, Hagiasfarda, Lacrima Mortis, Sfarda, Sfarda Scribe, Sfarda L. Gül, Lacrimosity and Righteous Rage Press, among others.

Sfarda L. Gül is known both in the Instagram Art and Bookstagram communities for her constant abusive behaviour, for obsessing over blood quantum & race purity, for her Anti-Westerner/Anti-USA/Anti-White rhetorics and her blatant fetishisation of SWANA (South West Asian, North Africa) ethnicities.

Sfarda L. Gül is an North-Eastern Russian born woman living in Australia since childhood who claims to be SWANA. She's larping, masquerading and cosplaying races for brownie points and quick industry success, just like Freydís Moon.

You can find more information here in this file documenting all the abuse Sfarda L. Gül inflicted upon people. There's as well more information available in this deviantART Literature forum's thread with screenshots and receipts.

You will see in future blog entries how every claim we're going to make in this page will be backed up by evidence.


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