Sfarda L. Gül the mythomaniac LARPer

Greetings! I'm the Unveiler. Let's take a look at an intriguing Instagram story posted by Sfarda L. Gül where she makes some bold ancestry claims:

Sfarda L Gül, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz, racist, fetish

Source? Her delusions.

Let's unpack this mess. She claims her paternal grandmother to be Jewish, keyword being paternal here. Does Sfarda L. Gül know that being considered Jewish by birth is a status only inherited from matrilineal line? As per halakha, the recognition of someone as fully Jewish requires them to have been birthed by a Jewish mother. It's only within the USA's Reform movement where there is an acceptance of patrilineal descent Jews, but Sfarda L. Gül lives in Australia and has shown explicit hate towards the USA so it could never be the case.

Moreover how is her paternal grandfather both Muslim and Orthodox? On top of that, how would he marry a Jewish woman? It's taboo in the Orthodox church to marry someone of a different religion. She just sounds like every white American girl who talks about being a quarter Italian and 0.1% Native American.

And just in case you thought she wasn't going to claim she's Jewish...

Sfarda L Gül, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz

She can't be Jewish because her mother is a Russian Orthodox. Oversharing about your life can suddenly become counterproductive when your ultimate goal is presenting as something you're not. 
A LARPer. A race cosplayer, culture appropriator, SWANA fetishist and ethnic masquerader.

No amount of scarves, accessories or kohl will hide Sfarda L. Gül's white girl features the same way no amount of pseudo-intellectual talk or lies will hide the fact that Sfarda L. Gül is a mythomaniac pretending to be ethnic because she craves being unique and oppressed. 

Sfarda L Gül, goodreads, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz

Gross behaviour that's been called out by many people.

How come nine years ago Sfarda L. Gül was Russian, white and very pale? Back when she was willing to show her face without thousands of veils, scarves and SWANAbe accessories.

That is Sfarda L. Gül's old DeviantArt account, now deleted. The author has been conveniently erasing all traces of her past now that her goal is to cosplay races.
How does the Unveiler know Aysuna7 was Sfarda L. Gül's old DeviantArt account?
Easy. This was Aysuna7's profile picture:

Sfarda L Gül, sfarda l gul harassment, non serviam, the hypostasis of dissent, non omnis moriar, swana, pontic, laz

And this same photo was posted in 2019 by Lidia Gulian on her Facebook page:

For those who don't know, Lidia Gulian is Sfarda L. Gül's real life name after a lastname change she performed around 2022 back when her username was @lacrima.mortis on Instagram. She proudly announced her legal lastname change on her Instagram stories.
Proof that Lidia Gulian and Sfarda L. Gül are the same person:

The name she inherited from her family was Lidia Belyakova as seen in her old DeviantArt page.

This has been confirmed by people on social media who met Sfarda L. Gül before 2022-2023 as seen in this document.

Sfarda L Gül, racist, larp, racefaking

Sfarda L Gül, non serviam, racist, Freydís Moon

Screenshots from the document linked above. As you can see, she's no better than Freydís Moon.

Until the next time,

The Unveiler


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