Sfarda L. Gül Asian Fetishism

Greetings! Today I bring you a rather uncomfortable screenshot from Sfarda L. Gül's YouTube channel.

I could've included just the thumbnail screenshot but the understandably outraged comment must be seen.

Sfarda L. Gül/Lidia Gulian/Anarchy on Page says: ✨ what #Asian are you? ✨

She purposely omitted the Russian flag, the only one that should be there (maybe along with the Aussie flag). Then she proceeds to make public a video where she's cosplaying races and wearing the most eye covering amount of accessories while keeping her eyes half closed to pose as Asian. Literal racism and race fetishisation.

By the way, this is the disgusting video where she goes full Aladdin mode and cosplays Middle East with nazar face masks to sell her books, find the short here.

This is not the first time she's been caught masquerading races and fetishizing them the same way a fujoshi girl would fetishize gay men.

Notice how her eyes are half closed again so she “looks Asian”? Not the first time she’s done the fake Asian eye thing. The same trick the transracial white girls that pretend to be Japanese or Korean do in selfies.
Gurl that's racist and orientalist, stop it. You're a white girl and it's okay to be white. You don't need to wear racist Halloween costumes to become interesting, I promise you white people have traditions and lots of fascinating cultures. 

This is Sfarda L. Gül/Lidia Gulian/Anarchy on Page/Lacrimosity and Righteous Rage Press/Lidia Belyakova with her mother (picture is posted publicly on the internet).

Before pretending she was Asian for quick sales, Sfarda L. Gül was a normal Russian girl living in Australia with her very white family. Source for the image.

I know this is upsetting but we must expose race fakers who speak over actual POC in writing & art communities. We already have an article that features proof Sfarda L. Gül is a Russian girl living in Australia who pretends to be Asian.

Until the next time,

The Unveiler


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