Sfarda L. Gül rebranding to escape allegations

 Greetings! I'm the Unveiler.

It has been brought to my attention that Sfarda L. Gül has been rebranding her pages on Bookreads and on Instagram to escape the consequences of her actions and distract from allegations. Her username is @solastalgic._ now.

She has changed her username right after this was posted and shared around on Instagram which must have been the cherry on top for Sfarda L. Gül after being kicked from several indie author events.

She's active again on Instagram since she has to promote her upcoming book somehow. What is she posting lately? The usual racist and hateful bs.

What if those of us who are denying her indigeneity are not Western? Maybe we are braindead, but what if we live in an Eastern country? Also why is it braindead to callout Sfarda's lies? She's been called out by many and proof of her whiteness is out there and we've kindly collected it for you in our previous blog entries.

This is ridiculous:

We can name were you are on a map: Australia. We don't know about that "we" you're talking about, Sfarda, but we 100% know about you specifically.

We know you're a white Russian girl living in Australia and LARPing to compensate your lack of personality and to sell more books. You're like Rachel Dolezal and Freydís Moon combined.

Escaping the white allegations is going to be complicated if your response to our call outs is changing your profile picture that shows white girl features to a profile picture where you wear a full face mask.
What a joke.

Those who followed Sfarda before the racial evolution: she's Russian and white
Sfarda: boo hoo I'm so ethnic and not white at all, see??? THIS IS ME *changes her Goodreads profile picture to this*

Sfarda: not white at all!!! I'M WEARING A SCARF AND MIDDLE EAST THEMED THEMU BLING you filthy wëst3rńęrs!!!! 🧿👄🧿


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